Wednesday 9 March 2016

Middle School, Term 1 Week 7

Middle School Newsletter: Term 1 Week 7


Learning and Teaching

In Grade 3 and 4 We Are Learning To....

READING: visualise and create pictures in our mind related to the texts that we read. When reading books (especially the books without pictures) we use our visualising skills to create images related to characters, settings and different events.

WRITING: persuade others through evidence and by arguing one side of an argument through forming persuasive arguments.

VCOP (Vocabulary Connectives Openers Punctuation): understand connectives.  Connectives are words and phrases which join simple sentences to develop a more complex sentence.

MATHS: represent data and interpret a variety of visual representations. What questions can we pose to investigate, how can we record the responses, what types of graphs can we draw to show our information?

UNIT OF STUDY (People Power): Continue to explore the qualities of a good leader. Research and identify the roles and responsibilities of leaders: at a school level and a State and Federal level. The inquiry process will be used: pose a question, research, present information.

SPELLING: use SMART spelling strategies including breaking words into sounds and syllables, identifying the 'tricky' parts of the words and writing the words and sentences from a dictation passage.  Emphasis will also be placed on understanding the meaning of the words with students encouraged to include the words in their writing and oral language.

eLEARNING: use the iPads and Netbooks to support and extend learning through Mathletics and Reading Eggs and for research and publishing purposes.

 Term 1 Calendar Dates
Monday 14th of March: Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 17th of March: Curiosity and Powerful Learning Parent Forum (Mentone Primary School)
Thursday 17th March: People Power In visit - Community Helpers.
Thursday 24th March: Last Day of Term 1
Monday 11th of April: First Day of Term 2

Current notices

Homework in the Middle School is sent home on a Friday and due back the following Thursday. The homework consists of reading (minimum of 4 nights), Mathletics activities and SMART spelling-look, say, sound, spell, write, check.
We would appreciate if parents could record and sign in the student diary when students complete their homework tasks.

Reading Eggs and Mathletics:
All students have individual passwords to access both of these programs.  In Term One we encourage students to explore activities to revise and extend their learning.  These programs are online tools which students use to enhance their learning. 

Students are given set Mathletics tasks to be completed for homework.  This week the focus is on Numeration and Place Value.

Sun Smart: 
As a Sun Smart school students are required to wear a hat when they are outdoors.  Sunscreen and keeping hydrated are also encouraged. We are fortunate to have lots of shade around the school for the comfort of the students. Please remind your child that we do not lend hats or encourage sharing of hats. If a child is without a hat, they are required to play in the shaded area.

Making News

Achievement Awards from Week 6 and 7:

Angelo Samaras: for demonstrating mathematical thinking using vertical addition.
Isabella Basile: accurately recording data and representing it in graph form.

Daniel Jackson: for using his initiative skills and looking at the WALT and WILF when determining the next step in learning tasks.
Mia Lafasanidis: outstanding prowess as a Sensei champion.

Emma Grossinger-Binstok: her fantastic efforts towards publishing her narrative 'Mr Shoe's New Shoes'.
Ethan Nancarrow: creating very descriptive 'Where am I?' statements while inferring.

Dylan Atkinson: for his enthusiasm when reading and writing about 'making predictions' during literacy lessons.
Ben Cook: for his funny and entertaining narrative titled 'Lenny the Pig'.


Congratulations to Eden Lasbury from 4H who was awarded the Aussie of the Month award for all of Grades 3 to 6. Eden was given this award for her kind and caring nature, especially while working with a new student to the school and helping this student settle in to not only a new school community but also to a new country. Well done Eden!

 Celebrating our Learning

In the Middle School we have been looking at the different qualities that make a good leader...

Qualities such as: helpful, trustworthy, engaged, supportive, smart, kind, thoughtful, resilient, generous, inclusive, courage, co-operative, a good listener, wise, physically and mentally strong, mature and respectful.

We worked in teams with a mix of boys and girls, and grade 3 and 4's to brainstorm and create posters about these different qualities.


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