Sunday 19 June 2016

Middle School - Term 3 Week 1

Middle School Newsletter: Term 2 Week 10


Welcome back! We hope that each of you have had a fun and relaxing school holidays and that you are ready for a productive Term 3!

Learning and Teaching

We Are Learning To....

 understand how words work. By using our personal experiences and background knowledge, we are able to work out context clues from a given text.

WRITING: reflect on our learning from the whole semester. Looking back to the beginning of the year, we are remembering what we have learnt and setting goals for the rest of 2016

V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary Connectives Openers Punctuation): continue to develop our knowledge of the V.C.O.P. process by linking it to our unit on explanations. The students will investigate relevant technical vocabulary, connectives and interesting openings.

MATHS: reinforce our understanding of the different maths topics that we have covered this term. Topics include: multiplication, fractions and decimals, addition and subtraction.

UNIT OF STUDY (Biological Science - 'Beneath Our Feet'): Last week students began investigating Earth and Space science in our new unit, 'Beneath Our Feet.' They will begin to understand how the Earth's surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity. This week they will have a hands on look at rocks and their features, as well as how they have changed over time. 

SPELLING: use SMART spelling strategies including breaking words into sounds and syllables, identifying the 'tricky' parts of the words and writing the words and sentences from a dictation passage.  Emphasis will also be placed on understanding the meaning of the words with students encouraged to include the words in their writing and oral language.

eLEARNING: use the iPads and Netbooks to support and extend learning through Mathletics and Reading Eggs and for research and publishing purposes.

 Term 2 Calendar Dates

Monday 20th June: Semester 1 Reports Go Home

Wednesday 22nd June: Student Led Conferences

Friday 24th June: Final Day of Term 2 (2:30 Dismissal)

Current notices

Homework in the Middle School is sent home on a Friday and due back the following Thursday. The homework consists of reading (minimum of 4 nights), Mathletics activities and SMART spelling-look, say, sound, spell, write, check.
We would appreciate if parents could record and sign in the student diary when students complete their homework tasks.

Reading Eggs and Mathletics:
All students have individual passwords to access both of these programs.  We encourage students to explore activities to revise and extend their learning.  These programs are online tools which students use to enhance their learning. 

Students are given set Mathletics tasks to be completed for homework.  This week the focus is on Numeration and Place Value.

Making News
Achievement Awards from Weeks 6 & 7
Lucia- for using her growth mindset when it came to a challenging explanation task. 
 Kate- for consistently helping her peers in the classroom and doing the right thing. 

Lucy- showing excellent ICT skills helping Mrs Grisdale to learn how to use and iPad
Georgios- using the science inquiry skills of questioning, predicting, investigating and concluding during our science unit.



Evie- using her synthesising skills to transport Violet Beauregarde into another one of Roald Dahl's books.


Victoria- her ability to use her mathematical knowledge to work through difficult problems in the Maths Olympiad.

June 17th... 1:50-3:30!!!

Some of the excellent work from our Science Open Afternoon in the Middle School!

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