Wednesday 15 July 2015

Term 3 - Week 1 July 15th

Another busy term with lots of exciting learning.

Learning and Teaching

In Year 3/4 We Are Learning To....

READING: review the habits of what makes a good reader and strategies for selecting a text. Next week we are learning to make connections between ourselves and both fiction and non fiction texts relating to our inquiry unit.

WRITING: review the habits of what makes a good writer and developing individual writing goals. Next week we are learning to revise and correctly use a variety of punctuation to enhance our writing.

MATHS: develop our multiplicative thinking skills. We we will review different strategies to assist with multiplication aiming to increase our speed and accuracy of multiplication facts.

INQUIRY: explain how communities have changed throughout Australian history and identify events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present.

eLEARNINGuse the iPads and Netbooks to support and extend learning through Mathletics and Reading Eggs, and to publish writing. Additionally we are using ICT to support inquiry research.

Calendar Dates
Monday 20th July - Camp Deposit Due
Friday 24th July - Excursion to Melbourne Museum
Thursday 30th July - Curriculum Day (No School)
Monday 3rd August - 2nd Camp Installment Due
Wednesday 5th August - Parent Consent and Confidential Medical Information Forms for Camp Due
Friday 14th August - Final Camp Installment Due
Sunday 16th August - School Working Bee
Monday 24th August - Dress Up Book Parade: Literacy and Numeracy Week
Wednesday 26th-Friday 28th August - 3/4 Camp Angahook
Friday September 4th - P-4 Swimming Program begins

Current notices
Melbourne Museum: On Friday 24th of July we will explore the Melbourne Museum to support our inquiry into History. Students will observe and interact with traditional playthings and games from different historical periods within the museum environment so they can explore the historical concept of change and continuity. Additionally they will explore other areas of the Museum for historical content related to Australian History. This is an excursion not to be missed! Please ensure your permission form has been returned and that your lunch and snack are in named paper or plastic bags. Full school uniform is required.

School Camp: Our first Grade 3 and Grade 4 camp is happening this term on the 26-28th August. Last term expressions of interest were sent out and the final cost has been confirmed at $270. This week students will receive Parent Consent and Confidential Medical Information Forms that are to be returned by Wednesday 5th August. 

Passionate Pursuits: Students have enjoyed the opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities as part of the Passionate Pursuits program.  Did you know that there are also extra curricular activities outside class time such as the Glee Club, Art Antics, Gardening Club and the Running and Circuit groups which run either before school or at lunchtimes? This term students will choose from a a variety of old and new pursuits and will begin them in week 3! Stay tuned to hear about the exciting opportunities available to students and how you can get involved.

Athletics: Miss Laycock is busy preparing our students for athletics and training rotations will be Friday mornings, grades 3-6. If any parents are available to assist during these sessions, could you please let either Miss Laycock or your child's teacher know.

Making News


Here are some of the  rules from classrooms of the 1800s:
Student Rules, 1860
1.   Boys and girls shall file into classroom in separate lines and be seated quietly on opposite sides of the room.
2. Boys shall remove their caps when entering.
3. Children must sit up straight at all times.
4. Children must not squirm, fidget or whine.
5.  Children must be clean and tidy in clothing.
6. There will be a daily inspection of neck, ears and fingernails prior to class to ensure cleanliness of person.
7.  Young ladies must never show a bare ankle; girls’ and boys’ clothing should cover arms and legs completely.
1.   Five minutes tardy in the morning = 1 hour after school.
2. Double assignments if homework is not done.
3. Nothing shall be dipped into ink wells except pens.
4. Children who are caught writing with their left hand = 1 ruler rap on the knuckles.
5.  Do not speak unless spoken to by the teacher. Talking in class = 1 whack with a rod.
6. Nothing shall be thrown in class. Such behavior = 5 whacks with a rod.
7.  Chewing of tobacco or spitting = 7 whacks with a rod.
8. Speaking immoral language = Suspension.
9. Carving on desks or defacing school property = Expulsion.
10.                  Fighting, lying, or cheating = Expulsion.


Questions generated by the students about the 1800's

> What damage did the straps/rod do?
> When did they stop using the strap?
> What kind of jobs were there?
> Did you have to grow your own food?
> What did children play with?
> How did they travel?
> How did they contact people?
> What was the school uniform like?
> Did all children go to school?
> Did schools have any play equipment?
> What was wrong with using your left hand to write?
> What was the most severe punishment?
> Why were pictures only black and white?
> How did students get to school?
> How strict were the teachers?

What additional questions can you come up with at home?

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