Wednesday 8 November 2017

Middle School Newsletter: Volume 15

Middle School Newsletter: Volume 15

Term 4

Weeks 4 & 5

What's happening in the Middle School?

Poems, poems, poems.....Mrs Mac thought she'd have a go at writing some poems too. Let her know what you think!!!

Haikus for Writing
Amazing from the kids
Fun to write and read

There once was a group of kids called Middle,
Who liked to solve all kinds of riddles.
They worked them out
And gave a shout
Then got up and sang 'Hey Diddle Diddle'

  Remember to check for new events in the Calendar Dates section below.
Learning and Teaching
We Are Learning To (WALT)....

make inferences by using our schema and the clues in the text that we read

explore poetry and use the structure of a Haiku and Limerick to publish our very own

solve division problems using our knowledge of different strategies

Week 4
Grade 3: Plurals- words ending in y add ies
Grade 4: Prefix 'dis' as in disorganised

Week 5
Spelling Assessment

UNIT OF STUDY (Design and Technology): 

We have finished our designs, collected the required materials and begun making the boats!! You might like to ask your child how much their boat is going to cost. Stay tuned for the date for our 'Boat Launch' celebration.

Takes great strength to be sensible.
Emotional triggers and how we react to the triggers.

Term 4 Calendar Dates

Monday 27th November: Excursion to Taskworks. See QKR for payment and please return orange permission form asap
Thursday 16/11, 23/11, 30/11, 7/12, 14/12: STOMP dance program.

Friday 1st December: Whole School Walk-A-Thon. More details soon
Friday 8th December: Whole School House Athletics - all day

Friday 15th December: Carols Night

Friday 22nd December: Last Day of Term 4- Jingle Bells!!!!!!!!

In the Spotlight......Our very own Poets!
We've been busy writing Haikus and Limericks.
Come in and see all our wonderful poems displayed around the Middle School.

Have a great week,

Nikki, Jess, Matt and Nick



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